

Dr. Jiangshan Yu (于江山)

Associate Professor
Elected Member, IFIP Working Group 10.4
Scientific Advisory Board, Austrian Blockchain Center

Dr. Jiangshan Yu is a 2021 ARC DECRA Fellow and Associate Professor at the University of Sydney. He is an elected member of the IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Birmingham (UK), supervised by Prof. Mark Ryan (HP Inc. Chair in Cybersecurity), followed by a postdoc with Prof. Paulo Esteves-Verissimo (IEEE and ACM Fellow) at SnT, University of Luxembourg. Prior to joining the University of Sydney, he held positions as Lecturer ( ~U.S. Assistant Professor) and Senior Lecturer (~U.S. Associate Professor) at Monash University.

His research interests are in the broad area of cybersecurity, with a recent focus on blockchain systems.


  • [2024-07] Our paper on NFT Wash Trading has received the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (announcement at Internetware'24)!
  • [2024-07] I'm delighted to serve on the PC for USENIX ATC'25.
  • [2024-06] I'm delighted to serve as a Keynote Speaker at The 29th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (IEEE PRDC'24).
  • [2024-04] Our paper on "Modeling Mobile Crash in Byzantine Consensus" has been accepted for publication at CSF'24. Well done Hans Schmiedel!
  • [2024-03] I'm delighted to serve as a Keynote Speaker at The 6th ACM International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure (ACM BSCI'24).
  • [2024-03] I'm delighted to serve as a Keynote Speaker at the 8th Symposium on Distributed Ledger Technology (SDLT'24).
  • [2024-03] I'm delighted to serve on the PC (ERC) for USENIX ATC'24.
  • [2024-03] I'm delighted to serve on the Communication and Outreach Committee for IFIP WG 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance.
  • [2024-03] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for DSN'25.
  • [2024-02] I'm delighted to serve as a committee member for the selection of The Test Of Time Award for DSN 2024.
  • [2024-01] I'm delighted to serve as Associate Editor for ACM DLT.
  • [2023-12] I'm thrilled to announce my next chapter as Associate Professor at the University of Sydney.
  • [2023-12] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for CCS'24.
  • [2023-12] Our paper on "OneShot: View-Adapting Streamlined BFT with TEEs" has been accepted for publication at IPDPS'24.
  • [2023-12] Our response to a recent EuroSys23 paper (Gupta et al.) is now out! Our paper is titled: "Vivisecting the Dissection: On the Role of Trusted Components in BFT Protocols".
  • [2023-04] My paper on "Fault Independence in Blockchain" has been accepted for publication at Disrupt Track of DSN'23!
  • [2023-03] Our paper on "Analyzing the Performance of the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol" has been accepted for publication at DSN'23, congrats Joao!
  • [2023-02] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for VLDB'24.
  • [2023-02] I'm delighted to serve as a Chair for ACE Working Group on Sustainability and Social Impact. ACE working groups are established as a joint force consisting of field experts from the ten global Algorand Centres of Excellence.
  • [2023-02] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for ConsensusDay'23 . Please submit your good works!
  • [2023-01] Two papers accepted at FC'23, congrats Runchao Han and Tong Cao!
  • [2022-12] Our survey on DAG-based Blockchains has been accepted for publication in ACM Computing Surveys.
  • [2022-12] Our work on "BlindHub: Bitcoin-Compatible Privacy-Preserving Payment Channel Hubs Supporting Variable Amounts" has been accepted for publication at IEEE S&P'23!
  • [2022-12] Our work on blockchain for education received best paper award at NSS'22. Congrats Zoey!
  • [2022-11] Our work on "TxAllo: Dynamic Transaction Allocation in Sharded Blockchain Systems” has been accepted by ICDE’23! Congrats Yuanzhe!
  • [2022-11] Our survey on Exotic Signatures for Post-Quantum Blockchain has been accepted for publication in ACM Computing Surveys.
  • [2022-10] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for ICDCS'23!
  • [2022-08] Congrats Zoey Ziyi for receiving Best Paper Award at Blockchain'22 !
  • [2022-08] Our Monash Blockchain Technology Centre received US$6 Million award for Algorand Center of Excellence, where I will lead research activities to work with our excellent partners from 9 Universities and research organisations!
  • [2022-07] Our work on "Analysing and Improving Shard Allocation Protocols for Sharded Blockchains” has been accepted by AFT’22! Congrats Runchao!
  • [2022-06] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for DSN'23!
  • [2022-04] Our work on "MoNet: Making Monero as Fast as Lightning” has been accepted by ICDCS’22! Congrats Zhimei!
  • [2022-02] Our work on "AuxChannel: Enabling Efficient Bi-Directional Channel for Scriptless Blockchains” has been accepted by AsiaCCS’22! Congrats Zhimei!
  • [2022-01] I'm thrilled and honored to be elected as a member of the privileged IFIP 10.4 Working Group on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance!
  • [2022-01] Our work on "DAMYSUS: Streamlined BFT Consensus Leveraging Trusted Components” has been accepted by EuroSys’22!
  • [2022-01] Our project on "Scalable & Accountable Privacy-Preserving Blockchain with Enhanced Security" has been awarded by Australian Research Council as a Discovery Project (ARC DP).
  • [2021-12] Our work "A Bytecode-based Approach for Smart Contract Classification" has been accepted by SANER'22. Congrats Chaochen!
  • [2021-10] Congrats Shange for receiving Best Paper Award at Blockchain'21 on her work !
  • [2021-09] Our work on "General Congestion Attack on HTLC-Based Payment Channel Networks" has been accepted by Tokenomics2021. Congrats to Zhichun and Runchao!
  • [2021-06] Our work on "Characterizing the Impact of Network Delay on Bitcoin Mining" has been accepted by The 40th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'21) .
  • [2021-06] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for DSN'22.
  • [2021-03] I'm delighted to serve as one of the Publicity Chairs for IEEE Blockchain 2021 and GreenCom'21.
  • [2021-02] Three papers (on the topic of blockchain interoperability and on analysing blockchain privacy) have been accepted by ICBC'21.
  • [2021-02] Our paper on analysing 51% attacks in the wild is accepted by AsiaCCS'21 .
  • [2021-01] Our paper "FPPW: A Fair and Privacy Preserving Watchtower For Bitcoin" is accepted for publication at FC'21.
  • [2021-01] Our paper "CoopEdge: A Decentralized Blockchain-based Platform for Cooperative Edge Computing" is accepted for publication at WWW'21.
  • [2021-01] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for FAB'21.
  • [2020-11] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for ICDCS'21.
  • [2020-11] I'm delighted to be selected for a 2021 ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) to support my research on blockchain for the next three years!
  • [2020-10] I'm delighted to be selected for a 2020 IBM Academic Award. This is covered by Monash News and Crypto News.
  • [2020-07] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for ICBC'21.
  • [2020-06] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for FC'21.
  • [2020-06] Our paper "How to Democratise and Protect AI: Fair and Differentially Private Decentralised Deep Learning" is accepted for publication at IEEE TDSC.
  • [2020-05] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for DSN'21.
  • [2020-05] Our paper "Towards Fair and Privacy-Preserving Federated Deep Models" is accepted for publication at IEEE TPDS.
  • [2020-02] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for AFT'20 and SRDS'20.
  • [2020-01] Two papers accepted at FC'20. Well done Tong Cao and Qin Wang!
  • [2019-11] I'm delighted to serve as a PC member for ICDCS'20.
  • [2019-08-22] I'm very proud to receive the Dean's Award for Excellence in Research Impact!
  • [2019-07] Our paper "On the optionality and fairness of Atomic Swaps" has been accepted by ACM Advances in Financial Technology (AFT).
  • [2019-06] Our paper on Privacy-Preserving Live Streaming has been accepted by SRDS'19.
  • [2019-04] I'd been nominated and selected as a finalist (Technology Application) for Endeavour Awards, which is Australia's Premier Awards Program within the manufacturing industry.
  • [2019-04] Our two papers on blockchain transaction untraceability have been accepted by CSF'19 and AsiaCCS'19.
  • [2019-03] RepuCoin has been covered by over 60 news media globally including our Monash News, Finder, 今 日头条(Toutiao), ZDNet, Sohu, BTC Wires, ScienceDaily, Ethereum World News, EurekAlert!, The US Breaking news, Homeland Security Today, etc.
  • [2019-01] Our paper "RepuCoin: Your Reputation is Your Power" has been accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC).
  • [2018-12] Our paper "ANCHOR: logically-centralized security for Software-Defined Networks" has been accepted for publication by ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (ACM TOPS, previously known as ACM TISSEC.)
  • [2018-11] I'm delighted to be invited to attend the 75th Meeting of the IFIP WG 10.4 Working Group on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance.
  • [2018-11] A paper on "New Empirical Traceability Analysis of CryptoNote-Style Blockchains" has been accepted by Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2019 (FC19, 33/178=18.5%).
  • [2018-07] As co-chair, I'm delighted to see the 74th Meeting of the IFIP WG 10.4 on Blockchain has been very successful. All the material will be available at here.
  • [2018-05] CHARITY. Prof. Mark Ryan's Supporting for Aframano, a village in Ghana, Africa. See more detail at markryan.eu/aframano
  • [2017-10] Interviewed by Eldo Radio to explain end-to-end encryption in messaging and DECIM.
  • [2017-10] DECIM has been covered by dozens of international news media, such as Science Daily. The news was originally published by the University of Luxembourg (link) and the University of Birmingham (link).
  • [2017-06] A paper on "DECIM: Detecting Endpoint Compromise In Messaging" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), 2017.
  • [2017-05] A paper on "Authenticating compromisable storage systems" has been accepted by the 16th IEEE TrustCom, 2017.
  • [2017-04] I have been awarded for the ``Chinese Government Award for outstanding PhD scholar abroad''. The success rate is 3% in UK and 1% worldwide. Here is the news press.
  • [2017-04] A paper on "Automatically Detecting the Misuse of Secrets: Foundations, Design Principles, and Applications" has been accepted by the 30th IEEE CSF, 2017.


Research Areas:

Research Interests
Blockchain System and Application, Fault Tolerance and Consensus Algorithm, Security Protocol Design and Analysis, Applied Cryptography, and User Privacy.

What I have been working on recently...
[Google scholar]  [DBLP]

[Our view point on TEE-BFT] "Vivisecting the Dissection: On the Role of Trusted Components in BFT Protocols".
[CSF'24] "Modeling Mobile Crash in Byzantine Consensus"
[IPDPS'24] "OneShot: View-Adapting Streamlined BFT with TEEs"
[DSN-Disrupt'23] "Fault Independence in Blockchain"
[DSN'23] "Analyzing the Performance of the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol"
[FC'23] "Fair Delivery of Decentralised Randomness Beacon"
[FC'23] "Leveraging the Verifier’s Dilemma to Double Spend in Bitcoin"
[IEEE S&P'23] "BlindHub: Bitcoin-Compatible Privacy-Preserving Payment Channel Hubs Supporting Variable Amounts"
[IEEE ICDE'23] "TxAllo: Dynamic Transaction Allocation in Sharded Blockchain Systems"
[ACM computing surveys'23] "A Survey on Exotic Signatures for Post-Quantum Blockchain: Challenges & Research Directions"
[ACM EuroSys'22] "DAMYSUS: Streamlined BFT Consensus Leveraging Trusted Components"
[ACM AFT'22] "Analysing and Improving Shard Allocation Protocols for Sharded Blockchains"

Media Appearance
[2022] About Damysus (EuroSys'22'). A breakthrough on blockchain consensus - numerous media coverage, including Crypto News BTC, iTnews, Technology Decisions, Startup Daily, ARC Projects, Business Traverse, techilive, etc.
[2020] About Atomic swap and blockchain interoperability (AFT'19). Fairness in cryptocurrency exchanges --- CryptoNews
[2020] About a series of works on user privacy and anti-money laundering (2*ICBC'21, FC'20, CSF'19, FC'19 and AsiaCCS'19). A toolkit to help trace illegal crypto transactions -- CryptoNews.
[2019] About RepuCoin, 51% attacks, and Monero security --- Crypto Finder TV interview
[2019] Leveraging Blockchain Webcast --- Monash Tech Talks
[2019] About RepuCoin (IEEE TC'19') --- numerous (>100) of media news press coverage, including ZDNet, Finder, Toutiao, Sohu, BTC Wires, etc.
[2019] Can Monero ever achieve private transactions?-- Finder news.
[2017] Breakthrough on messaging security/privacy --- numerous (>60) of media news press coverage, including ACM TechNews, ScienceDaily, EurekAlert!, etc.

My Team

PhD students:

Main supervision
  1. Xiangwen Yang (July 2024-), The University of Sydney.
  2. Zhichun Lu (July 2024-), The University of Sydney.
  3. Hans Schmiedel (Nov. 2021-), The University of Sydney.
  4. Yuanzhe Zhang (June 2021-), The University of Sydney.
  5. Liangrong Zhao (March 2021-), Monash University.
  1. Yuexin Xiang (Jan. 2024-), Monash University. (Co-supervised with Dr. Rafael Dowsley and A/Prof. Tsz Hon Yuen)
  2. Brian Chen (Sept. 2023-), Monash University. (Co-supervised with Prof. Joseph Liu and A/Prof. Tsz Hon Yuen)
  3. Dongkun Hou (May. 2023-), Monash University. (Co-supervised with Dr. Shujie Cui and Prof. Joseph Liu)
  4. Jun Zhao (May. 2022-), Monash University. (Co-supervised with Prof. Joseph Liu and A/Prof. Xingliang Yuan)
  5. Zoey Ziyi Li (Oct. 2021-), Monash University. (Co-supervised with Prof. Joseph Liu and Prof. Dragan Gasevic)
  6. Peter Ince (Aug. 2021-), Monash University. (Co-supervised with Prof. Joseph Liu and Dr. Xiaoning Du)
  7. Sina Aeeneh (July 2020-), Monash University. (Faculty of Engineering, Co-supervised with Prof. Nikola Zlatanov)
  8. Kassem Bagher (Dec. 2019), Monash University. (Co-supervised with A/Prof. Xingliang Yuan)


  1. Diego Kreutz (2023), Monash University. (Now: Professor at Aeronautics Institute of Technology, Brazil.)
  1. Shange Fu (2019-2024), Monash University. (Now: Entrepreneur in the blockchain industry.)
  2. Joao Otavio Massari Chervinski (2019-2024), Monash University. (Now: Researcher at Informal Systems.)
  3. Chaochen Shi (2020-2023), Deakin University. (Co-supervised with Prof. Yong Xiang. Now: Postdoc at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.)
  4. Zhimei Sui (2019-2023), Monash University. (Now: Assistant Professor at Shanghai University.)
  5. Arash Mirzaei (2019-2023), Monash University. (Co-supervised with Dr. Amin Sakzad and A/P. Ron Steinfeld. Now: Postdoc at ANU.)
  6. Jiachi Chen (2019-2022), Monash University. (Co-supervised with Prof.John Grundy and Dr.Xin Xia. Now: Assistant Professor@Sun Yat-Sen University)
  7. Runchao Han (2019-2022), Monash University. (Now: Senior Research Engineer@Babylon.)
  8. Tong Cao (2018-2021), University of Luxembourg. (Co-supervised with Prof. Paulo Verissimo. Now: Postdoc at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.)
Master (minor thesis)
  1. Ran An (2019), "Analysis of stablecoins in blockchain", Monash University. (Co-supervised with Joseph Liu). (Followed by a PhD study at Monash University.)
  2. Xinyu Zhang (2019), "Revocable ring signature", Monash University. (Co-supervised with Joseph Liu). (Followed by a PhD study at Monash University.)
  3. Shaocong Yu (2019), "Traceability analysis of Monero using machine learning technology", Monash University. (Co-supervised with Joseph Liu and Lan Du).
  4. Jun Zhao (2019), "Consolidating Hash Power in Blockchain Shards with a Forest", Monash University. (Co-supervised with Joseph Liu). (Followed by a PhD study at Monash University.)
  5. Pranav Kulkarni (2020), "Exploring energy-efficient RepuCoin", Monash University. (Followed by a PhD study at Monash University.)
  6. Lianyang Yu (2020), "Game theoretic analysis on reputation concept in blockchain security", Monash University. (Followed by a PhD study at The University of Queensland.)
  7. Yu Xia (2020), "Formal analysis and verification of the RepuCoin system", Monash University. (Co-supervised with Vincent Rahli.) (Followed by a PhD study at The University of Edinburgh.)


I'm so fortunate to have the following colleagues visiting my team for collaboration:

  1. Paulo Verissimo (IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow), Professor and FNR PEARL Chair at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
  2. Evgenia Smirni (IEEE Fellow, ACM Distinguished Scientist) , Sidney P. Chockley Professor at College of William and Mary, US.


Grant, Awards, and scholarships:

  • Awards:
    • ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, announcement at Internetware'24.
    • Research Talent Accelerator Award, Monash University, 2023.
    • Best Paper Award at NSS 2022.
    • Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA), Australian Research Council (ARC), 2021.
    • Best Paper Award at Blockchain 2021 and Blockchain 2022.
    • IBM Academic Award, 2020. (Covered by Monash News and Crypto News.)
    • Dean's Award for Excellence in Research Impact , Monash university, 2019.
    • Finalist (Technology Application) for Endeavour Awards, Premier Awards Program (Manufacturing Industry), Australia, 2019.
    • Chinese Government Award For Outstanding PhD Scholar Abroad, 2016. (3% in UK, 1% worldwide.)
    • Finalist for RAEng Enterprise Fellowship , Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), UK. 2015.

  • Selected Recent Grant:
    Chief Investigator (CI) in Australia is also known as Principle Investigator (PI) in Europe/US.
    • [2022-2027] Algorand Centre of Excellence. "Sustainability Informatics for the Pacific", A$8.68M. [Lead CI on the Research Cluster, Deputy Director of the Centre.]
    • [2022-2024] ARC Discovery DP220101234. "Scalable & Accountable Privacy-Preserving Blockchain with Enhanced Security", A$330,000. [Co-CI]
    • [2021-2023] ARC DECRA DE210100019. A Scalable and Adaptive-Resilient Blockchain, $563,000. [Sole CI]
    • [2021-2022] Oceania Cyber Security Centre. "Scientific Support for Tuvalu’s National Digital Ledger Project", $14,967. [CI]
    • [2021-2022] AgriFutures Australia. "Solutions and barriers in AgriFutures-levied small and emerging industries", $184,625.00. [CI]
    • [2022–2022] Building 4.0 CRC. "Automated tracking of construction materials for improved supply chain logistics and provenance", $175, 000. [CI]
    • [2021–2022] Industry Research Contract. "To Develop a Sustainable and Green Blockchain Consensus", $500,625. [Lead CI]
    • [2020-2030] Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) program, "Reliable Affordable Clean Energy for 2030 (RACE for 2030)", $349M. [CI, Monash Champion]


  1. FIT5214 Blockchain, Monash University, 2019. (Designer and Lecturer)
  2. FIT5214 Blockchain, Monash University, 2020. (Chief Examiner and Lecturer)
  3. FIT5214 Blockchain, Monash University, 2021. (Chief Examiner)
  4. FIT5214 Blockchain, Monash University, 2022. (Chief Examiner)
  5. Applications of Blockchain (FutureLearn Online Microcredential), Monash University, 2021. (Chief Examiner)


External Service:

  • Membership and direction of organisations:
    • [2024-present] Member, Communication and Outreach Committee, IFIP WG 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance.
    • [2024] Member, Selection Committee, The Test Of Time Award for DSN 2024.
    • [2024] Member, Selection Committee, The 2024 Jean-Claude Laprie (JCL) Award for IFIP WG 10.4.
    • [2023-present] Chair, ACE Working Group on Sustainability and Social Impact.
    • [2022-present] Elected Member, IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance
    • [2021-present] Scientific Advisory Board, Austrian Blockchain Center, Austria.

  • Journal editorship:
    • [2024-present] Associate Editor, ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice (ACM DLT).
    • [2024] Guest Editor, Blockchain: Research and Application, Special Issue title: “Unleashing the Potential: Advancements and Innovations in Blockchain Technology”.
    • [2024] Guest Editor, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine , Special Issue title: “IoT Security and Provisioning in Cyber-Enabled Niche Critical Infrastructure”.
    • [2023-present] Associate Editor, International Journal of Blockchain Applications and Secure Computing (IJBASC)

  • Conference (Co-)Chair
    • Publicity Co-Chair. The 54th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2024
    • PC Co-Chair and General Co-Chair, 83rd Meeting of the IFIP WG 10.4 - the Future of Blockchains, 2023.
    • Publication Co-Chair, BlockSys 2023.
    • Publicity Co-Chair, EAI BlockTEA 2022.
    • Publicity Co-Chair, IEEE Blockchain 2021.
    • PC Co-Chair, Workshop on Blockchain Security, Application, and Performance (BSAP), IEEE Blockchain 2021.
    • Publicity Co-Chair, IEEE GreenCom 2021.
    • Publicity Co-Chair, EAI BlockTEA 2021.
    • Publication Chair, ProvSec 2019.
    • PC Co-Chair, 74th Meeting of the IFIP WG 10.4 - Technological and societal challenges to blockchain dependability and security, 2018.
    • PC Co-Chair, Workshop on BlockChain , Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2015.

  • Conference Program Committee Member
  • 2025
    1. The 55th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)
    2. The USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC)
    1. The 50th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB)
    2. The 31th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)
    3. The USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC) (ERC)
    1. The 53rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)
    2. The 43rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)
    3. The 20th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security, and Trust (PST)
    4. ConsensusDay
    1. The 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)
    2. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC)
    3. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain)
    4. The 5th International Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain (FAB)
    5. The 18th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN)
    6. The 4th International Congress on Blockchain and Applications (BLOCKCHAIN)
    7. The 21st IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom)
    1. The 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)
    2. The 41st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)
    3. The 25th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC)
    4. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC)
    5. The 4th International Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain (FAB)
    6. The 20th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom)
    7. The 17th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN)
    8. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain)
    9. The 15th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS)
    10. EAI International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Emerging Applications (BlockTEA)
    1. The 2nd ACM Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT)
    2. The 40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)
    3. The 39th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS)
    4. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC)
    5. The 54th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
    6. The 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom)
    7. The 25th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP)
    8. The 14th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS)
    1. The 38th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS)
    2. The 15th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology Inscrypt (Inscrypt)
    3. The 20th International Conference on Cryptology in India (Indocrypt)
    4. The 18th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom)
    5. The 13th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS)
    1. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)
    2. DSN Workshop on Byzantine Consensus and Resilient Blockchains (BCRB)
    3. The 52th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
    1. International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC)

  • Invited Reviewer (Selected Journal):
    • Proceedings of the IEEE
    • ACM Computing Surveys
    • IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
    • ACM Transactions on Transactions on Privacy and Security (ACM TOPS)
    • IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (IEEE TIFS)
    • IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC)
    • IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC)
    • IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON)
    • IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J)
    • IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (IEEE TCC)
    • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IEEE TII)
    • IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (IEEE TETC)
    • The Computer Journal
    • PLOS ONE